Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Possible Harmful Effect Of A Briquetting Plant

When we hear of a briquetting plant all good this comes in mind. But it is possible that the industry does not bear a single negative point. If we analyze it deeply what we see is that the industry has got a loophole which can hamper its growth to a great extent. This is the availability of raw material, as we know that the industry is heavily depended on the biomass raw material derived from the agro and forestry waste. But mostly the material is not suitable to produce the quality briquettes as it is a waste. So not the quantity is the point of concern but quality is. This is where the big problem arises.

This is one of the major loopholes in the industry. In most developed countries food crop is grown specifically for the purpose of producing briquettes in briquetting plant.  Crops such as sugarcane, wheat and other food grain which are essential for human beings are used to produce biodiesel and other forms of biomass energy. This is a big thereat and could result in the shortage of food grains throughout the world.

Many environmentalists are against the use of this technology because it’s a great threat to human food and forest. For producing quality products excellent quality of raw material is used. The quality of final product heavily depends on raw material and for this food crops are used, ignoring human needs. If we keep on growing crops for biomass briquetting machines it may lead to increase of essential food items and their shortage.

This is one of the negative points which should be dealt seriously. For more information on any queries related to briquetting plant and machineries visit: www.jaykhodiyar.org/contact.php