Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Increasing Demand of Biomass India: Top Reasons

Biomass fuel has become a name that is in the demand in many industries. It is the one name that is in talks in recent years, but do you really know the exact meaning of it? If the answer is no then have a look upon it. Biomass generally means woody materials, animal waste and agricultural waste (sugar cane, rice hulls).  These can be used as a source to produce bio-energy.

It is the second name that comes into the category of renewable power after water. Waste material from the paper, pulp and paperboard industry are among the rich sources of biomass. People are using biomass as a fuel from the ancient time when they have learnt to produce fire and keep it burning for desired time.

The best and interesting thing of the biomass is we don’t have to collect anything from outside or market to produce fuel. With the help of biomass briquetting machine one can easily get the desired quantity in less time and hard work.

It has in built technology that converts the wastages erupts from the industries related to forest raw materials, agriculture, and other industrial wastages, all such wastages are combined together to form a briquette which has started using these days in industries as a source generating energy.

Briquettes are manufactured within logs which are round in shape by the use of high-pressure but without using any kind of chemicals and other such liquid. The Briquetting press creates fuel that is an ideal replacement for traditional fossil fuels and is easily utilized throughout different manufacturing facilities such as kilns, furnaces and boilers.

Biomass For Fuel works in the way that it is burned to produce heat that makes hot water, which in turn produces steam that can power turbines and other such heavy machinery that is used to generate electricity. Since biomass is also carbon-based like traditional fossil fuel, it has a equivalent burning rate that makes it perfect as an energy source for small-scale power generation.

But unlike fossil fuels, biomass absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during the whole process thus being environment friendly. After its life cycle, the carbon in biomass recycles to the atmosphere as a mixture of methane (CH4) and CO2, depending on the end of the biomass material. CH4 then get converted into CO2 in the atmosphere thereby completing the cycle.

The Fuel From Biomass has a number of applications in many industries like electrical and used especially for electricity generation. It helps to keep the environment green and tuning a balance between the nature and mankind.

1 comment:

  1. The information mentioned above is really true and gives the correct reasons on increasing demand of the Biomass products.
