No one can deny from the fact that establishment of different industries in a country, contributes to its growth and development. This is because more the number of industries less will import from other countries and less will be the prices of those products. After independence, India is moving towards continuous development and today we have almost all types of industries.
These are ranging from textile, agriculture, wood to paper and chemicals. It is also obvious that during production of different products some amount of waste also comes out. Earlier, this waste was dumped into seas or burnt in open, without even caring that its causing water, land, and air pollution. This pollution also increases the chances of global warming.
With the improvement in technology briquettes machines came into existence. These machines have changed the entire definition of treating industrial waste. Now, it is also obvious that a single machine can’t treat the waste material of different types. Therefore, soon the briquette machine manufacturers brought all kind of machinery including wood briquetting machine, biomass briquetting machine, bio fuel briquetting machine, rice husk briquetting machine, and coal briquetting machine.
Bio fuel briquetting machine is used to make Fuel Briquette and so as others. As, aforementioned there are many types of briquettes but the article will throw light on wood, bio fuel and biomass briquettes. Have a look.
Biomass Fuel Briquettes
With the rise in pressure on the industrial units to use such measures which are environment friendly and contributes to go green revolution, there has been observed hike in the demand of biomass briquettes. These biomass fuel briquettes decrease the chances of depleting natural resource like coal. These natural resources are non renewable. The Fuel From Biomass reduces the sulphur, carbon, and phosphorus content in atmosphere and also brings an alternative for coal. One can make around 60 briquettes per hour and can increase a source of income.
Wood Briquettes
Briquettes produced from waste coming out from wood industry are known as wood briquettes. These are further used to burn substances. The smoke evolve during burning doesn’t harm the environment. These are generally long in shape and are cheaper than ignite, coal, and oil. One more advantageous thing is that it doesn’t include any sulphur content in it as well as doesn’t emit fly ash during burning.
Bio Fuel Briquettes
Bio fuel briquettes are long shaped blocks made from compressed and recycled shaving and sawdust. These briquettes are used in wood burner, stove, and a number of other applications. This also contains less moisture and provides unrivalled efficiency.
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